Food & Dining
The Meraviglioso project aims to be an ambassador of the concept of conviviality. We are committed to offering an experience that combines the pleasure of being in a stylish venue with a dining offer of absolute quality. We exceed the expectations of the most demanding customers by offering an experience that stimulates the senses and nourishes their soul. We are here to transform the simple act of dining into a celebration of life itself, passionately, expertly, and diligently curating every detail, and making life's pleasures even more intense through sharing.
We look forward to eating and toasting together!
+39 0789 1733074
Dal 1/06
Champagne a Porter dalle 12:00 - till late
Shop Meraviglioso dalle 17:00 - till late
Après-beach in Promenade dalle 18:00 - 20:00
Dal 14/06
Promenade Restaurant dalle 18:00 - till late
Dal 28/06
Terrazza Pizza & Bollicine dalle 19:00 - till late